
The Toilet Bang Theory was presented as an improvised performance one
afternoon of april, 2007 for the actlab students, and repeated that
same day's evening in French House co-op.
The performance shows the origin and end of the universe according to
the toilet bang theory, using diverse originally-garbage objects transformed
into cosmic elements, and domestic objects, such as blankets, christmas
lights, a plunger, and candles. Plus, the
second time performed drums' sounds created a mystic atmosphere.
the first time I performed I forgot to click the REC
button and the second time I forgot to put the camera in a place where
it could actually capture the performance, no video documentation is
fill that empty space, I share with you the pictures you se below, donated
by the audience and the description of the theory developed in eight
short stages, with some images of the original objects used for this
performance representing the essence, and leaving the rest of the space
for your own imagination, the best of all performers.
This is an alternative explanation trying to explain the beginnng of
this beautiful misterious inmensity to which we belong. So, enjoy, laugh,
reflect, or etcetera, and don't forget, magicomystic happens.
M. Alvarado