by Nicole Bernal  
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Second Project

My second project was inspired by the book Dante's Inferno. I started the book late one night and became so fascinated with it that I stayed up to finish it until six in the morning.

Among several questions the book got me asking, one of them was; if hell existed, what circle would I go to?

I decided that I would most likely be cast into the sixth circle of hell where the heretics lie. I'm not particularly religious and I find organized religion to be quite ridiculous. In any event, while I do tend to dip into lust and gluttony, I decided that if anything, my greatest crime against God would be criticizing his followers and religion.

I chose to use pastels again because with the first picture I found them quite a challenge. As I said before, I've only used pencil and charcoal for portraits, so creating a whole scene of hell proved to be quite challenging. Contrary to the first project, I did not like how my second picture came out. I felt that the color was too much and it seemed, for lack of a better word, cheezy.