Project Three: Trans: from A to Z. An Alphabetic Guide to Trans.

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N is for Nature v. Nurture.

O is for Out of the closet.

P is for "Passing." Q is for Queer. R is for restrooms.
"Passing" can be difficult for gender queer individuals. Everyday occurrences can become a huge source of stress - the two-gender specific restroom demand that a person "choose" a gender - male or female, and nowhere in between.

S is for Split penis
Body modification.


T is for "True" sex/gender.
Man believe that a person's"true" gender/sex can be determined simply by biology. Can you name all of the male and female reproductive organs?


V is for Voice. W is for World.
Find you voice. "Imagine a world worth living in, a world worth fighting for." - Leslie Feinberg

X is for XX. Y is for XY.
XX or XY? It's not always that simple. Other combinations include XXY and X. It's all up to the 23rd pair. Play connect the double helix.

Z is for Ze

But, in the end, we can all come together under Leslie Feinberg's genderless pronoun, "Ze."

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