Here, the assignment was to draw 10 silhouettes of ourselves, and to use 5 to tell a narrative. I did this by either laying on or casting my shadow upon sheets of butcher paper. Going into the assignment, I had about 5 poses that I knew I wanted to do, but only two of those poses made it into the final presentation. Each of the silhouettes can stand on their own (not literally, but figuratively), but they all do belong to a common narrative sequence in a loose, but predestined order. Each silhouette has under it a description of it's purpose. To move to the next silhouette, click on the current one.
This is the first body, and it is a silhouette without a head. The idea kind of stems from the saying of "well my (blank) must have a mind of its own". Well, sometimes our bodies betray us, and do things we don't want them to do. Other times, its our own mind: we know what we should do, but we choose to do the opposite for some reason. Its all about knowing right from wrong, but sometimes just knowing isn't enough, we still do wrong anyway.