Part II
Here I am beginning work on Cyborg II's shoulder/spine intersection. I'm still using the same wire from before, but now I've switched to 1/2" pipe sections and fittings for most of the skeleton. I also threw in interesting pipe fittings like the valve control you see here, in order to increase the sense that there are fluids and whatnot flowing through the cyborg's body.
The completed shoulder/spine intersection, now with the heart added back in from Part I. Now with awesome vampire-retardant construction!
Here I am with Cyborg II's legs and feet, also composed with 1/2" pipe fittings. I really enjoyed how the pipe fittings allowed some articulation to the arms and legs, allowing me to pose the cyborg more, as I have here.
Here I am putting together the upper and lower body segments. You can see the rib cage from part I on the bottom right; I actually used the same piece for all three versions.
Adding an arm.
A close-up of the new ribcage, complete with added toilet bob, clear plastic hosing, more blood, and some melted cellophane to give the appearance of tender, newly-grown skin.
Both of the lower arm segments for Cyborg II were made of braided wire, just like the right arm on Cyborg I. I also continued the idea of including tools in the cyborg's hand/claws, furthering the idea that although he had definitely grown, he still had more work to be done.
Another close-up of the ribcage.
A photo of the finished product. I'm particularly happy with the head I added for this phase; I think its some sort of air ventilation part. I like the idea that the cyborg can see in all directions, rather than limiting his view to just one like us.
Me posing with the finished Phase II Cyborg.