RHE 330C | FINAL PROJECT © 05.04
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COMEDIC USES [ Political Uses ]

"Mobs are about the power of many, in the pursuit of nothing."

Flash mobs are usually created with no foul intent. Most flash mobs are usually completed with some form of sarcasm or intelligent humor at their core. These comedic uses of flash mobs are the most evident in reports from around the country.

Most flash mobs consist of a large mob of people arriving at a certain location and performing an act of usually a comedic nature. Three hundred people may show up at a Mom and Pop grocery store only to yell "I demand a large block of cheese!" and then immediately leave.

These demonstrations of humor are very often the entire point of a flash mob. The "head" conspirators of various flash mob groups all have some form of childish playfulness inside of them that they want to express via a large mass of people.

Some examples of the intelligent humor associated with flash mobs:

  • The Flashlight Mob - explains the exact reason behind the blackout in the New England area a few months ago. It seems this was an elaborate flash mob and not the power loss we assumed it was.
  • Flash Mugging - is the newest form of flash mobs to hit the internet. This form of flash mobbing also comes with free loot. It seems all someone has to do is get a large group together at a location and pounce on an unsuspecting passer-by; the wallet is yours!

In an article from Cheesebikini.com:
"Meanwhile, anonymous organizers in Austin, Texas are preparing for the world's first Slash Mob: The Slash Mob Project is an interesting phenomenon where people gather at a determined point, kill all surrounding onlookers, and then disperse as fast as arriving, thus leaving the onlookers dazed, bewildered, and hopefully dead by what they just experienced..."

Comedy is almost always the main reason behind these flash mobs. Flash mobs are just another form of performance art, one that the masses can join.