detritus |
Mobility in human existence is caused by crisis. At times this crisis is a manifestation of human needs (as in the the search for food), spiritual desire (as in a search for freedom from persecution), or human fallacies (as in the lust of the conquistadors for adventure and wealth). The availability of a location to which to move permitted an abandonment of the location where the crisis occurred. There is a crisis of identity in western society. Whether postmodernism exists or not, for many, the self is still decentered and fragmented -- identity is multiplied and conflicting. There is no new location for the self to move, and the crisis remains. |
intention |
The lightScape intends to address this crisis of identity by creating a landscape which is mobile in perceivable time. Pilgrims to the lightScape remain still while the landscape around them forms and reforms. They view the perfection of a landscape composed of fragmentation. Stress, noise, pollution, harm is replaced, however temporary, by contemplation of health, well-being (spiritual and physical), and unity created from fragmentation. Mobility is obtained from the freedom of crisis of the self. |
representation |
From fragmentation embodied by the lightScape, a visual book of hoursa mandala made of light, time, objectsis born and created and destroyed and created anew, different every day, every hour, every instance. The location is a site, a retreat, a building, a sculpture, a moment in time internalized. |
sources/ precedents |
James Turrell | Roden Crater Project: Marcel Duchamp | the index and the referent (Tu m') : in Rosalind Krauss: The Originality of the Avant-Garde and other Modernist Myths Melinda Rackham | line : [other inspirations] : Benjamin | Castells | Durkheim | Jacobson | DadAdaDAda | Surrealism | Kahn | Tanguy | Ono | String Theory | Shinto | Sakuteiki | observations & conversations |
questions | If social behavior is expressed through mobility, does mobility create the social behavior or does social behavior define the method of mobility? What happens in a fragmented environment where the viewer stands still and the landscape moves? Can fractured impermanence and mobility be expressed in stasis? After locational mobility and communicative mobility, what is the next horizon? Is spiritual mobility a valid conception? Can humans escape cultural/collective identity? Will humpty-dumpty ever be put back together again? |
(new target) | |
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