Home Phone Instrument recording

Kazoo Distortion with a Guitar
(clean at first then switches to kazoo distortion)

The idea behind the Home Phone project was to take an outdated piece of technology with which people are becoming less and less familiar and repurpose it for other uses...

In this case, I took an old home phone (landline) and turned it into an instrument.
Installing a 9-Volt battery connector into the base, and a 1/4" jack into the handset, the phone can now be plugged in to a guitar amplifier and one can "rock out" to the smooth touch tones and mellow dial pulses.

In addition, the phone's speaker also functions as a sound receptacle for singing or beat-boxing.

Okay, it doesn't sound smooth or mellow, "ear-shattering" comes to mind but with the aid of a Wah pedal, some interesting sounds can be made.

In addition, I also created a one-of-a-kind low-tech means of distortion. By using funnels to channel the amplified sound through a common kazoo, some dirty, growling sounds are possible. The kazoo-distortion also sounds great with a guitar.