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If a video is random enough, can it be perceived as real? This virtual hamster simulator contains over 80 video clips, all playing at random, but that random number is dependent on what side of the screen Marbles the Hamster is on. For more information, check it out!


It's all here...All three projects documented for your viewing enjoyment. Inside you'll see the world's first Virtual Hamster Simulator, and be able to control the cutest, fuzziest hamster you've ever seen in a completely simulated environment. You'll also see the complete documented history of a cigarette machine buying rebuilt from the ground up, and then modified to be better than it was interacting with the customer! Follow the adventures as I learn all about fixing mechanical parts, installing light fixtures, replacing broken ballists and transformers, drilling through metal, losing half a pint of blood, and un-stealing a shopping cart.

It's all right here, so l
et's get this show on the road...

Project 1-- Virtual Hamster Simulator
Project 2 -- Vending Machine Makeover
Project 3 -- Waiting For Jerry

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