Two 400-pound machines...A complete rebuild..and barely
a clue as to what I'm doing.
This is how the machines looked at their site in San
Antonio, Texas...Not very pretty.

Here we are loading the machines onto the trailer
for the long ride home.

Success! We made it to Austin without a single mishap!

We moved one of the machines inside, where I spent
the entire night cleaning it up.

The cleaning process continues...Hardcore clean session.

I slept outside for days to protect the machine for
vandals and would-be thieves.

Taking apart the internal components for "modification".

The empty husk of the first machine in the early morning
sunlight. Beautiful shot!

Internal flourescent light completely replaced and
working perfectly!

Me beside my 400-pound box of awesome.
I had never done anything like this before, so I learned
a huge number of new things during this project. I'd
never repaired a lighting fixture before, so I had to
learn about resistence, and transistors, and transformers,
and ballists...because I had to replace them all! :)
I also learned that you can do amazing things with simple
mechanics, because the entire machine is done through
clever use of metal levers and pulleys and
electricity at all with the exception of the light.
The cigarette machine marks the pinnacle of mankind's
achievements on this planet.