Actlab Masters Project: A Tear Down of the Cyborg

A look at Personal Multimedia Production

Basic Example
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 1
In this case study we look at Blanu's system in order to better understand how personal multimedia systems come together. Blanu's system consists of three physical locations, his house, the actlab (a computer lab) and a remote server. Blanu uses each location for a specific purpose.
Home: At home Blanu has a audio/video playback system and linux workstation. His audio/video playback system consists of a network where he can code and a broadband connection that allows him to move surf the web and move data to his other locations.
ACTLab: Blanu uses the ACTLab mainly for video editing, using Adobe Premiere 6.0.
Remote Sever: This remote server is used for web services such as SSH, IRC, HTTP and Mail services. It should be noted that in order to make the remote server justifiable Blanu sells web space/bandwidth to others.

Blanu Schematics

Overarching Layout

Home Layout