In the 1930's, the Golden Era of Hollywood Cinema mass produced more stars than there were in heaven. Not much has changed over the decades. It has come to a point where Hollywood exploits teeny boppers and their siblings such as; Linsay Lohan, the Hiltons, the Duffs, and the Simpsons. All of them molded into the ideal image of a star/actress/woman.
gross... |
oh no... |
typical... |
duff-ed... |
hick... |
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hoe down... |
A while back, I came across a webpage that was about Lindsay and Paris having no facial expressions. It was a flip book of almost of the glamour magazines the stars had done. The images were flipped through incredibly fast and each girl posed the same exact way for every picture. Hollywood might as well create a cyborg actress that will never age, gain weight, and etc.
So I created a cyborg prototype made out of a cake doll and a bunch of twisted wires. She runs on alchohol, parties all night long, and does a "hoe down" when something goes wrong.
You can check out the website with the flipbook at