Weird Science 

Weird Science!

In the boundaries between so-called hard science and simple spoonbending lies the realm of Weird Science -- where certainty doesnt exist and people called “experts” battle for control of the meaning of words like “proof” or “fact”.

As with all ACTLab New Media courses, we explore these ideas through making. There are no written assignments or exams. Instead you will produce two mini-projects, one substantial final project, and a website on which you document your semesters work. All our classwork has the goal of providing ideas and methods for those projects. ACTLab classes are about learning to think for yourself, to work creatively, cooperate in complex endeavors, and question received knowledges.

Class is in studio and discussion format. This means that your active participation is a requirement of the course. During the semester we expect you to contribute your own ideas and arguments to the discussions, and to be willing to take the responsibilities and risks such contributions imply.

There are no written exams. Instead you will use the theories and tools you acquire during the semester to MAKE STUFF! about some aspect of postmodern gothic. What you make can be in any form: sound, installation, video, computer animation, collage, sculpture, assemblage, performance -- you name it. You will do this in stages, starting with simple projects and moving to more complex ones, using humor, irony, uncommon approaches, and bizarre techniques.

View a sample syllabus here.

Students must read: Requirements for ACTLab Student Web Pages

Students must read: Requirements for ACTLab presentations

Here are some resources we use for the course:

Time article: What's always next?

Howard Becker: Theory: The necessary Evil
(downloadable pdf)
HTML (link may not work)

Howard Becker: Tricks of the Trade

Howard Becker: How I Learned What a Crock Was
(downloadable pdf)
HTML (link may not work)

Bruno Latour: Science in Action


Bad Science

Virtual particles

Isaac Newton

The British Restoration

Scientific method

Philosophy of science


Physics FAQ

Royal R. Rife | Lots of pseudo-technobabble

Royal R. Rife | Nontechnical history

Seven warning signs of bogus science

Museum of Unworkable Devices

Antigravity devices

Giant cyclops skull

Useful software (Bevoware)


(please note: this text was modified and mangled from, old actlab sites and unkown sources that showed up late one night.) <\ /p>


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